25 July 2011 to 12 August 2011 (Landcare Research, Auckland)
Arrived at Landcare Research (24 July 2011)
Worked in Lab at New Zealand Arthropod Collection (25 July 2011)
Worked with Dr ZQ Zhang in New Zealand Arthropod Collection (26 July
Visited Investigation and Diagnostic Centres,
which is part of Plant Health & Environment Laboratory,
Biosecurity New Zealand; met Sherly George, Senior Scientist; Dr Zhang
loaned common mites intercepted at NZ border for use in training (28
July 2011)
PC2 and PC3 lab at Biosecurity New Zealand (with Sherly George and Lalith Kumarasinghe | Manager - Entomology)
(28 July 2011)
Visited Investigation and Diagnostic
Centres; demo of interference microscope and specimen identifications
(by Sherly George) (28 July 2011)
with Ploychompoo on Tarsoenmidae using interference microscopy (29
Jul. 2011)